Plastic tubs instead of jars

Published on Sep 28, 2021

There are just too many of these tubs laying around and I can't get myself to toss them in the garbage. They're a really decent size and can be re-used.

I added some BRF(brown rice flour) substrate to one, made some holes in the corners of the lid (as per my previous article) and sterilised it in a pot on the stove. I accidentally left the stove on overnight, so I hope I didn't ruin the substrate. We shall see...

Next, I put my trusty still air box to good use and inoculated the tub with the pink oyster culture.

A still air box with a sterilised substrate container
Makeshift inoculation wooo!

Like I previously mentioned, I think I need to make a bigger still air box, since this is a bit tight to work in.

Inoculating the substrate

I made a small database on my computer to keep track of my grows. I will check up on the progress of the mycelium cultivation in about a week. I really hope this works, otherwise I will have to try something else. I wonder what coffee grounds based substrate will do.