Why am I growing mushrooms?

Published on Sep 18, 2021

To be honest, I cannot remember precisely what drove me to this, but I started feeling disconnected from the earth. The nature of my profession and studies require many hours in front of a computer and although I enjoy working with these devices, the fact is that it is unhealthy to sit (or stand if you have a standing desk).

Two months ago I had to go to a physiotherapist to get my aching neck sorted.Turns out, my neck became lazy due to spending many uninterrupted hours at the computer, tickling the keyboard.

During a conversation about farming, food production and disemboweling yourself from the madness of society, a friend told me about a book called Mycelium Running by Paul Stamets, I obtained a copy and started reading. I have always loved eating mushrooms and my mind was blown by how amazing these organisms are!

More reasons for why I am growing my own mushrooms is because I think it's important for us to learn how to cultivate our own food, as well as the fact that I want to try my hand at a side business.

I hope I can make it work, I sure have a lot of ideas and ambition!